Well Hey There!


Howdy Howdy! My name is Taylor Wedding (yes, that is my legal last name. Always has been!) and I am so excited that you made your way here!

If you had a telescope that could look through time, you might be able to spot middle school Taylor running around with her friends and dinky digital camera at her side, begging and badgering her friends at every sleepover to go out and do an “artsy” photoshoot for this crazy brand new app, Instagram.

Honestly, not much has changed. Except Instagram, that’s changed a lot since 2010.

Photography does the same thing for me that my inhaler does: gives me a breath of fresh air. Capturing images with story, fostering community through creativity, generating art out of instances; all of these things wildly boost my serotonin levels and fuel a constant, passionate pursuit of learning more and more about this nifty little art form.

My style has definitely been described as “colorful” and I think I would have to agree. I adore what color can do to illustrate mood, and I believe I have a knack for bringing out the magical in the mundane.
