What You Need | Music Video

Hey guys! As many of you know, and for those of you who don't, I am a film student at SCAD, learning how to work behind the camera and bring stories to life from a visual and technical perspective. One of my favorite things about school is getting to work with other abundantly creative people on a multitude of projects, both in and out of class. This past quarter of school, I had the amazing opportunity to work with an incredible group of 4 others to bring to life a music video for the artist BAYNK and their new song, "What You Need." Under the direction of Alice Aguiar, myself and Tommy Rodgers as Co-Directors of Photography, and Kaitlyn Frederick and Justin Smith taking on a multitude of rolls from 1st AD, Production Design, Grip and Gaffing, here is our final product, and boy am I proud! We worked incredibly hard, stalking around the woods of South Carolina, getting eaten alive by mosquitos, and dancing around on top of parking garages while hanging out the roof of a car. So blessed to have such incredible classmates who make gorgeous material and are relentlessly hard workers! Check out "What You Need" and all of our fun behind the scenes antics!